Monday, November 3, 2014

My Psych Tests!

Jung Typology Test
According to this personality test, I am a moderate preference of Extraversion, marginal to no preference for Sensing, moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking, and marginal to no preference of Judging over Perceiving. I agree to most of what this test has to say. However, I was slightly surprised at the 44% Extravert because although I am outgoing, there are times when I am around unfamiliar people where I feel more shy. Also, it makes sense that I prefer Sensing over Intuition, even if it is by a little, because I act based on my past experiences.

Learn About Yourself Test

According to this personality test, I am extremely extraverted, extremely agreeable, have mild conscientiousness and neuroticism, and am extremely open to new experiences. Again, I don't believe that I am as extraverted as this quiz suggests for the same reasons listed in the above test. I do think I am pretty agreeable because I have an open mind, and I'd like to think I see situations from others' perspective. The Conscientiousness and Neuroticism sections were quite on point as well, although I wish I scored higher on both. Openness to Experience was extremely accurate, as I love to try new things such as food and thrills (rollercoasters/skydiving).

Life Goals Test
This test was quite interesting to me and for the most part was accurate. Financially, I do agree with what I scored to a certain extent, for I believe doing what one loves is more important than the monetary amount earned. As for social recognition, I could care less about it. Attractiveness is important to me because looking presentable makes me feel more confident in myself. Affiliation is really important to me, for I care about my relationships with the people in my life a lot. Community is also extremely important to me because I want to better the world for future generations. Self Acceptance, in my opinion, is important because it shows how independent I am. Finally, I do indeed value intrinsic/moral goals more than extrinsic/material goals.

Deal With It Test

This test surveyed how I deal with the problems in my life. According to it, I have a shame, guilt, and pride-prone personality, which was a surprise to me. I usually don't feel like I'm extremely boastful in my accomplishments, so this was definitely eyeopening. However, I do feel guilty and shameful when I do something wrong or when I don't complete a task to my full potential. 

The Sim Test
One of the more interesting tests I took because I love Sims! It rated me 9 for neatness, 8 for outgoing, 5 for active, 9 for nice, and 5 for playful. Overall these results were accurate except for the neatness category. Although attempts are made to be neat, my room, my study space, and my life are complete messes! Send help! SOS!

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